Project Developers:
Robert Bieber Robert Bieber was once a Windows developer, hacking out code in Assembly. Now, he's a devout GNU/Linux user, and champion of the Free Software cause. He can code in C/C++ and x86 Assembly Language for GNU and other Unix systems, but prefers to avoid Assembly Language, because it isn't cross platform at all. He was the founder of Particlesim, and continues to work on its development.
Joel Levin Joel is a proud member of the cult of Mac, and develops command line utilities in C/C++ and native GUI applications in Objective C using the Cocoa framework. Joel came to ParticleSim a couple of weeks into its development, and helped to accelerate the development to the quickened pace it's seen as of late, rapidly helping to get the basic functions of the program into place. In addition to ParticleSim, he works on DeskBrowse, an innovative browser for the Mac platform. |